onsdag den 22. november 2006

Sikke noget vrøvl!

Jeg har set denne hos Jane og ligesom hos hende er der flere punkter der rammer plet (dem med fed skrift), men helt ærligt hvordan kan det betyde at jeg strikker for meget? Det er jo helt umuligt at strikke for meget ;-D

You Know You Knit Too Much When ...
  • You feel yarn is all the fiber your body needs
  • You're unable to form a close relationship with anyone who doesn't knit
  • You suddenly cancel a much-anticipated blind date to finish a sweater
  • You pass out "learn-to-knit" kits at your best friend's bacholorette party
  • You take your knitting to a New Year's Eve party
  • You knit "His and Hers" dish towels for a wedding present
  • You've learned to mall walk and knit at the same time
  • You camp out in front of your favorite yarn shop to be the first person at the semiannual sale
  • Close friends and relatives have started avoiding you
  • You break open your child's piggy bank to buy yarn
  • You feel a need to hide the yarn you just purchased
  • Your monthly budget shows you spend more on yarn than grocery for your family of five
  • You keep forgetting to pick up the kids from school
  • You break up with your boyfriend because he admires the scarf your girlfriend knitted
  • The grand opening of a yarn store is your idea of a social event
  • You've just received an invitation by express mail to join a knitters' anonymous group
  • Your kids have started cooking dinner every night
  • You and your cat have matching sweaters
  • You don't have a cat, but you and your neighbor's cat have matching sweaters
  • You've purchased a headset for your phone just so you can knit and talk at the same time
  • You knit during intermission at a stage play
  • You feel honored when people refer to you as a (k)nit-witt
  • A sign that reads "Yarn Sale" causes you to make a sudden U-turn and reschedule your annual physical
  • Your favorite book is "Not Tonight Darling, I'm Knitting" by Betty Hosegood
  • You feel lost, lonely and a bit disoriented without your knitting bag
  • The yarn you purchased yesterday and put in the family room has somehow disappeared
  • Everyone on your Christmas list tells you they're allergic to wool
  • Your idea of four letter words are: yarn, sale, knit, wool, purl, rows, spin, sock, foot, easy, silk, felt, make, cast, full, gram, slip, inch, hook, knot, work, shop, pins, hats, neck, cuff, book, tips, loop, ball, slub, mark, club, soft, cozy, left, gift, size and back.

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